What More About BROOM PAPAY?

In addition to being a man of integrity, what more do I need to know about BROOM PAPAY?

What more?


1. He is COURAGEOUS, i.e., not afraid of personal risk involved in speaking out against injustice and the fight for the rights of all Liberians, below are some examples


(c) he has faced death threats and intimation from those who wish to silence him

B. in 1984 the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Liberia, under President Samuel K. Doe, several tortured him at the University of Liberia


(c) in 2002, Charles Taylors regime tortured him while in detention at the National Police Headquarters in Monrovia


(d) he is the first Solicitor General to prosecute a former head of state, a current speaker, and a sitting senator, amongst others for corruption based on his commitment to the principle of equal treatment before the law!

  1. He is INTELLIGENT, i.e.,

knows and understands, for example:

  • He is COLLABORATIVE, i.e.,

know that diversity, inclusion, and equality provide a better thinking framework, which guarantees that NO LIBERIAN is Left Behind in the progress of the nation!

  • that not everyone sees things in the world through the same cultural, economic, political, and religious lens, and therefore will develop a strategy that best defends the interest of Liberia very well 
  • the geopolitical and global economic trends
  • he has written a lot on issues of human rights and constitutional governance!
  • He is KIND and GENEROUS of heart, i.e.,

He is gentle, sympathetic, helpful; and always giving more than is necessary or beyond expectations; some examples 

He provides pro-bono or free legal services to:

  • poor people
  • human rights advocates
  • journalists, media institutions, talk show hosts,
  • political activists, who have legal problems, etc.
    • Is that ALL about BROOM PAPAY,

    What has he CONTRIBUTED for the People of Liberia in his career and professional life:

    • He has proven record of promoting integrity in leadership, transparency and accountability in governance, and unity of purpose for all Liberians


    • He has impeccable public service record of being corruption free, which “NO” Liberian can doubt


    • Proven record of defending the poor when he sees that the powerful and selfish want to grab the property of the poor or trample on their dignity; throughout his legal career, for example, he has taken up case for poor people, free of charge; no wonder he is called “the poor man’s lawyer”!