Corruption is NOT a way of life

Prescription for Fighting Corruption

In His Own Words 

How will Broom Papay Sweeps Corruption Out of Liberia?

The Broom Papay Says:

“As a torchbearer of corruption sweeper”

“I will NOT lie to the Liberian people”

“I will serve the Liberian people without stealing their money”

“I will make my income and sources of income known to the Liberian people at all times” “I will ensure transparency in law enforcement and court proceedings so as to promote peace and foreign investment in any country”

“In my administration, there will be NO selective application of the law under my administration as President of the oldest African nation”.

“In my administration, there must be justice for all in Liberia for the attainment of sustainable peace, progress, and prosperity in the country”.

“My administration will conduct a “Quarterly Lifestyle Audit” not only to expose corrupt activities; but more important to keep the public sector honest, transparent, and accountable”.

“All salaries and benefits of my cabinet members will be published and aired for public access, and officials found wanting corruption will be fired and turned over to the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LCC) for further investigation and prosecution”.

“Public officials accused of corruption will be tried and, if found guilty, would face the full weight of the law”.

Prescription for Ending Corruption

Broom Papay’s Prescription for Ending Corruption in Liberia:

Implement quarterly, mandatory lifestyle audits for all elected leaders. 

Provide independent oversight of police and judicial appointees to eradicate bribery and corruption and ensure fairness and transparency. 

Promote merit-based, participatory, democratic, and inclusive governance

12-Point Strategy to Combat Corruption

Tiawan Saye Gongloe’s 12-Point Strategy to Combat Corruption in Liberia:


1. Asset declaration will be strictly implemented, with an example set by the President declaring his asset before being sworn into office


2. Ministers and all commissioned appointees shall declare their assets before their names are submitted to the Liberian Senate for confirmation and at the beginning of each year as well as upon leaving office


3. All asset declarations will be published by government for the citizens to be informed about their government functionaries, consistent with article 15(c) of the Constitution of Liberia


4. The salaries and benefits of the President and all government officials in the three branches of government shall be published online in the leading newspapers of Liberia


5. There shall be quarterly lifestyle audit of the President and all commissioned officials of government


6. Any government official that interferes with the operation of the police or any law enforcement officer shall, upon summary fact-finding, be immediately dismissed


7. Any government official that undermines the independence of the Judiciary by influencing or obstructing its orders, decisions or judgments shall be dismissed immediately


8. Any judicial official or legislator who engages in any act for which an executive employee may be dismissed shall be complained to the legislature for impeachment


9. That upon the discovery of any unexplained or unjustified expenditure; the president shall forthwith dismiss the official involved and turn such official to the LACC for further investigation and possible prosecution


10. That conflict of interest shall not be tolerated at all. Every person in government employment must sign a declaration of conflict of interest


11. That any government officials dismissed for corruption shall not be reappointed to any position of trust in the Gongloe government


12. That there shall be no pardon for officials of the government convicted for corrupt acts.